Welcome to Wheelock UMC Camping
Peb xaav muaj kev Phoojywg nrug koj hab tsev tuabneeg, yog koj muaj sijhawm tuaj tau nua tuaj koom peb kev moog Camping los join peb cov activities nyob rua huv peb Pawgntseeg Wheelock UMC tau txhua lub sijhawm kws peb tau npaaj tseg.
Wheelock UMC
Wheelock UMC Activities Services
Women Garate Sale
Church Camping
Men Fundraising
Men Fundraising
Fillowship with HUMWA
Pastor Apressiation
Welcome New Members
Pastor Daniel J. Yang comimg back
True Friend
Church Cleanup
Kev ua Txwjnkawm
Muaj ib tug quaspuj kws nwg yuav tau ib lub tsig kws zoo naav heev hab nwg yog ib lub kws zoo heev, nwg naav ntau ntau xyoo lawm. Ua le caag lub tsig nuav ca le tsi hum nwg naag lawm, rua qhov nwg rog tuaj losis puj tuaj lawm. Nwg xav has tas ca kuv moog yuav lub tshab lug rua qhov lub nuav tsi hum kuv lawm.
Peb kev ua neej nyob caag tsi ca peb ua kuam peb ntxaug lug hum lub tsig, peb ho yuav moog yuav dluab lub tshab. Peb kev ua txwjnkawm los tuabyaam peb tsi kaam txu peb lug sis hum, peb xaav tas tug nuav phem ua luaj ca peb moog yuav dluab tug tshaj ntshai yuav zoo dlua. Peb yuav ua le caag yuav moog txug thaum peb laug tuag.
Peb yuav ib sij hloov dlua ib tug tshab lov! txu koj tug kheej. Nrhav txuj kev zoo, kev sishum xeeb rua lub neej txwjnkawm. Nrhav txuj kev kaaj sab rua meb ob leeg.
Lub Neej Txwj Nkawm
“28 Cov quasyawg yuavtsum hlub puab cov quaspuj ib yaam le puab hlub puab lub cev. Tug kws hlub nwg tug quaspuj, tug ntawd yeej hlub nwg lub cev.
29 Yeej tsi muaj leejtwg yuav ntxub nwg lub cev. Tsuas muaj nwg yuav tu ntshis hab nrhav zaub nrhav mov lug yug nwg lub cev, ib yaam le Yexus Khetos ua rua cov ntseeg.
30 Rua qhov peb suavdlawg puavleej koom Yexus lub cev.”
Efexaus 5: 28-30
Kev txwj nkawm yog kev tsim khu tug ntawm yug ib saab kuam zoo tshaaj, tsi yog yuav ua kuam yug tug kheej zoo dlua lwm tug. Ib leeg yuav tau txua ib leeg kuam zoo tshaab plawg. Vim ob leeg koob ua ib tug, hab ob leeg koom ib lub cev. Yog le ntawd, koj tug quaspuj quasyawg yuav zoo hab tsi zoo, yog koj ua tug kws tsim khu nwg, txuas nwg kuam zoo kawg nkaus txaus koj sab nyam txaus koj sab ntshaw.
Yog koj tug quaspuj los quasyawm tsi zoo, tsi yog nwg txuj kev txhum kuam yog koj txuj kev txhum kws tsi khu nwg. Tej zag koj nyam yaam kws nwg ua kuam yog dlhau qhov kws tsim nyog ua lawm yuav tsi zoo rua meb ob leeg.
Xf. Chuelao Moua
MN Annual Conferance News
Posted at www.minnesotaumc.org between 12/25/24 and 12/31/24.
All of the following are not necessarily endorsed by The United Methodist Church.
They are shared for your information.
Upcoming Conference Opportunities
Summaries of official district and conference events happening soon, listed in chronological order. Click links to see complete information, or see the entire conference calendar.
Conference Events
The Laity Collaborative: Various dates, Jan.-June 2025, online and in-person. Take the next step to live into your call. The Laity Collaborative is a new learning community focused on equipping laity and unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit. Register by Jan. 15.
Annual Statistical Tables Q&A Sessions: Jan. 14, 10 a.m. or 7 p.m., or Jan. 30, 10 a.m. or 7 p.m., online. All churches need to submit Tables by Feb. 28. In these sessions, Minnesota Conference staff will answer questions and assist those needing help with completing Tables.
Fresh Expressions Third Thursdays: Jan. 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m., and every third Thursday of the month, online. These calls are open to all who are interested in Fresh Expressions.
Rural Ministry Matters: Church Leader Support Group: Jan. 24, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., Park UMC, Brainerd. This is a newly formed support group led by, and meant for, those serving in rural settings. Gather for worship, conversation, fellowship, and lunch.
Informational Webinar: Practical Church Leadership Program: Feb. 12, noon-1 p.m., online. Learn about this certificate program for ministry professionals offered by Dakota Wesleyan University. The Minnesota Conference covers 80 percent of the tuition for applicants who are selected to participate.
Conference Grant
Peace with Justice Grants: The Minnesota Conference's Church and Society team offers a grant to local churches for projects that are aimed at promoting peace and justice.
Summaries of only the most recently posted events and Classified items. Please click links to see full items. View the local church events calendar, or read all Classifieds, including those listed in previous Bulletin Board issues.
Submit a Local Church Event or Classified Ad: Submit before Tuesdays at noon to be included in that week's Bulletin Board. Contact Karla Hovde with questions or to edit submissions.
Lunar New Year's Day Celebration: Feb. 1, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Korean UMC of Minnesota, St. Anthony. Come for a celebration with devotions, lunch, traditional games, and fellowship. Wear your traditional costume if you have one.
Positions Available
Conference Event Coordinator and Property Steward: The Minnesota Conference of the UMC is seeking a full-time individual to collaborate in the planning of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events and in the caring for properties owned or leased by the Conference.
Worship Coordinator for Annual Conference Session: The Minnesota Conference is seeking a person to plan and produce Annual Conference worship services, assemble and work with worship leaders and musicians, and design the worship environment.
Infant Teacher: Caring for Children Early Learning Center at Richfield UMC in Minneapolis is seeking qualified full-time infant teachers to create a safe and nurturing environment for infants.
Free Padded Folding Chairs: Good Samaritan UMC in Edina is giving away 65 well-used padded folding chairs, as well as rolling carts and a few spare parts for the chairs.
Music Scholarship Opportunity: Chester E. and Marion D. Groth Scholarships from Richfield UMC will be awarded for tuition for the 2025-2026 school year to college students pursuing careers in music performance, music education, or music therapy. Apply by Feb. 20.