United Methodist Statment of Faith and Beliefs.
The United Methodist Church is an 11-million-strong global church that opens hearts, opens doors and opens minds through active engagement with our world. John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as "practical divinity" has continued to be a hallmark of United Methodism today.
OUR CHRISTIAN ROOTS LEARN HOW WE SHARE A COMMON HERITAGE United Methodists share basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities. More
OUR WESLEYAN HERITAGE LEARN ABOUT THE HALLMARKS OF THE UNITED METHODIST THEOLOGICAL TRADITIONS John Wesley and the early Methodists emphasized Christian living, putting faith and love into action. More
REFLECTING ON OUR FAITH LEARN ABOUT THE ESSENTIALS OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE Faith is the basic orientation and commitment of our whole being—a matter of heart and soul. More
FOUNDATIONAL DOCUMENTS LEARN ABOUT THE "STANDARDS" OF DOCTRINE FOR UNITED METHODISTS Several sources form the foundation of doctrine for United Methodists. More
Scholarship and Loan from the United Methodist Church
Scholarship applications are accepted January 1 - April 15 each year. Awards are determined by July. Payment of scholarship awards are made after the Scholarship Office has received a verification of enrollment at a college or university for the Fall term.
The following are standard criteria for EVERY program offered through GBHEM:
- Applicants must be an ACTIVE, full member of The United Methodist Church for at least ONE year. Membership is determined by the date the applicant was confirmed and took membership vows with a United Methodist church. (Members of other Methodist denominations are not eligible.)
- Applicants must be pursuing a degree program at ANY accredited institution.
- High school students may apply IF they will be college students in the fall term.
- Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- Applicants are required to be full-time students according to their school’s standards for the program for which they are enrolled.
Contact the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for more information: www.gbhem.org
How to become a Ordained Minister in the UMC Based on the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
InquiringCandidate: 2008 Book of Discipline ¶311
1. Contact your pastor, district superintendent (DS), or another deacon or elder
2. Read The Christian as Minister (recommended, not required)
3. Participate in Ministry Inquiry Process (recommended, not required)
Beginning Candidacy: ¶311.1.a-c
1. Member of The United Methodist Church or baptized participant of a recognized United
Methodist campus ministry or other United Methodist ministry setting for one (1) year
2. Apply to DS in writing, including statement of call; ask for admission to candidacy
program and assignment of a candidacy mentor
3. Complete candidacy online enrollment and $75 payment
4. Complete beginning stages of candidacy with candidacy mentor
Declaring Candidacy: ¶311.1.d, e
1. High school degree or equivalent is required
2. Request interview by Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee or equivalent in your
ministry setting; provide statement of call; and responses to disciplinary questions in ¶310
3. Request recommendation by charge conference or equivalent as specified by district committee
4. Continue candidacy program with candidacy mentor and academic requirements
CertifiedCandidacy: ¶311.2
Completion of the following:
1. Written response to ministry questions in ¶311.2a as well as ¶310
2. Psychological assessment, criminal background, and credit check
3. Notarized statement certifying have neither been accused in writing nor convicted of a
felony, misdemeanor, or any incident of sexual misconduct or child abuse
4. Provide other information upon request
5. Agree to make a complete dedication to the highest ideals of the Christian life
6. Examination and approval by district committee on ordained ministry
ContinuingCandidacy: ¶312
1. Annual recommendation by charge conference
2. Annual interview and approval by district committee
3. Annual report of satisfactory progress of studies and copy of transcripts from university or school of theology
Local Pastor - Completed candidacy certification, licensed, and assigned a clergy mentor ¶314
Completing Candidacy: ¶324
1. Certified candidate for minimum of one (1) year, maximum twelve (12) years
2. One (1) year in service ministry
3. Completion of one-half the basic graduate theological studies to be eligible for commissioning
4. Health certificate completed by medical doctor
5. Written and oral doctrinal exam and written autobiographical statement
6. Interview and recommendation by three-fourths vote of district committee
7. Interview and recommendation by the board or ordained ministry
8. Election to provisional membership by clergy session
Commissioned to ministry of elder or deacon as provisional member